In an astonishing order, the axes of botanical development parallel the stages of human development - as henceforth
Plants are the foundation upon which life withdraws its existence in terms of nutrition and oxygen: plants propel minerals from the earth outward, and from the air inward, into the earth, availing it to life continuation. In this sense, the plant realm function as an active Mediator between worlds, and express an ever continues growth and development processes. What occurs on any circle of life ensues on every other level: life is expressed with wondrous similarity on every level – as the saying go: "as above so below”. So, in accordance of its developing nature, plant kingdom evolution can be corresponded with human development, as its innate nature is also an ever growth. Looking for incidences this development has halted (so called disease), thus granting humankind another gift: an opportunity of deep healing.
As explained previously, the plants may be arranged in a table so that its axes are founded on evolutionary stages of
botanical development, in a manner akin to the Periodic table of elements. In an astonishing order, the axes of botanical development parallel the stages of human development - as henceforth described.
The columns (botanical Sub-clasis) portray a journey of differentiation and independence from state of oneness, from the wholeness of "Self”, toward formation of an individual Ego: from unity to separation, first from the feminine element, later on from masculine element, receiving the teaching and issues of each. Contenting with those elements allows departure from the Ego closure and advancement toward relationship with "the other” and interaction and contact with the outer world: From union and oneness to a differentiated Ego, able to cooperate as individual with the collective.
In the development journey represented by the columns, the human soul aspires to acquire awareness, consciousness, identity and uniqueness and then return again to the source, this time as a conscious witness of the creation essential wonder. (Columns attributes are based loosely on C.G. Jung).
The rows (the Orders, the botanical groups within each column) describe stages of development and maturation in each column, starting with pre-birth, through infancy, childhood and adolescence until maturity and old age.
The grouping of rows and columns: Every phase of Ego separation from the Self is experienced within the column in different levels of development, and is expressed accordingly.
Following are the descriptions of the stages and their basic attributes.
(Subsequent mention of the attributes of the rows and columns will be brief; hence the following relevant columns and rows information are advised be revisited often as one is studying any part of the Materia medica in this book).